After the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the American public was jolted into awareness of police brutality—and caught up in heated debates about whether to defund the police and invest instead in services like mental health. But incarcerated people rarely have an opportunity to be part of the national conversation.
So in our second-round political survey inside prisons and jails, The Marshall Project and Slate asked people behind bars what programs might have helped to keep them from committing the crime that led to their incarceration.
Nearly 2,400 respondents told us about their struggles with drug addiction, mental health and domestic violence. They shared stories of the difficulties finding well-paying work and stable housing. Others took sole responsibility for their mistakes. Here are some of their answers, edited for length and clarity.
We asked: What services or programs would have helped to keep you from committing the crime(s) that led to your incarceration?
Drug treatment programs and affordable housing for sure. But I also feel that you have to want change. So you get what you put in!!
Democrat, 52, in jail in CaliforniaNothing can help me. Only I can help myself.
Independent, 38, in jail in CaliforniaVocational programs, housing programs, and actual jobs so that we can take care of ourselves and our kids.
Unaffiliated, 42, in jail in IllinoisIt would be most efficient to educate young people on the true conditions and consequences of being incarcerated.
Democrat, 24, in jail in CaliforniaMore time to decompress once you are released from incarceration.
Unaffiliated, 36, in jail in IllinoisCheaper college classes. I would’ve been in college instead of outside making mistakes.
Independent, 23, in jail in IllinoisTo have a mentor who could have told me about the path that I was on. Someone who could have boosted my self-esteem.
Unaffiliated, 24, in prison in ArkansasMental health and/or grief counseling.
Democrat, 42, in jail in CaliforniaI would have to say that more drug and alcohol prevention programs would have reduced the risk of me committing crimes. Not just some bullshit umbrella, traditional programs that do work in some cases but something more proven to work and build on that.
Democrat, 31, in prison in ArkansasI believe that counseling for returning veterans is key to keeping certain types of vets from committing crimes.
Republican, 47, in prison in ArkansasI guess it would've been mental health counseling and having a better understanding of what PTSD is and how it affects you.
Republican, 54, in prison in ArkansasHaving a battered women's group and being able to have a safe house to keep people safe and sources to help relocate as better support from police and other officials who could have made a difference.
Democrat, 62, in prison in ArkansasBetter jobs for felons also better parole officers
Democratic, 34, in prison in ArkansasSomething that would have been available to me as a teenage woman to realize my worth and how I should be treated in a relationship with a significant other. A mentor.
Unaffiliated, 25, in prison in ArkansasPrograms that really focus on helping the young Black youth. I believe that the young Black youth can succeed just like their counterparts with the real resources that really are geared towards really helping not just to show a window dressing of help.
Democrat, 44, in prison in ArkansasDaycare vouchers, and help financially as a single parent even though I worked it was hard to make ends meet with no child support from the fathers of my children.
Democrat, 57, in prison in ArkansasThe “listen to my dad” class
Independent, 36, in prison in ArkansasThe services are available, at the time I didn't realize I needed the help
Republican, 39, in prison in ArkansasAccess to a better paying job. Protection from racial discrimination.
Democrat, 68, in prison in ArkansasBetter paying jobs in small communities.
Democrat, 29, in jail in IllinoisThere's no particular program that could have helped me. I made a bad choice and I am currently paying for it.
Democrat, 33, in prison in ArkansasAnger Management. I wish I would have been given the option and help that I needed. I had to come to prison to take a program that the free world has.
Independent, 27, in prison in ArkansasI tried to get into a residential substance abuse program when I was released on my last sentence but was denied because of my lack of insurance.
Democrat, 49, in prison in MaineAccess to a college education, which I've gotten while in prison. Also, better access to good mental health and substance abuse programs, along with the insurance to pay for them.
Republican, 44, in prison in MaineSome kind of service to assist people who are severely institutionalized, like myself. Jail is NOT a deterrent
Republican, 52, in prison in MaineDon’t really know, I guess just someone, anyone to give a shit and to reach out. When I was young we didn't have anything to help us.
Independent, 38, in prison in MaineI'm not sure exactly, but if I could have a psychiatrist evaluate me for cheap, that would be a great first step.
Independent, 29, in prison in ArkansasIntervention not incarceration for domestic violence. In Washington state people are sent to prison or jailed for domestic violence with little focus on addressing the underlying problem.
Independent, 36, in prison in WashingtonDrugs played a big part of my incarceration but after school sports would've helped me the most
Republican, 19, in prison in ArkansasWe shouldn't put Veterans with PTSD in prison, it's not right. The war on terrorism ruined my life.
Independent, 32, in prison in ArkansasParental guidance. Love. Support. Words of encouragement and other things that a child needs in his early years.
Independent, 41, in jail in CaliforniaRaising the minimum wage. Providing more help for single mothers and convicted felons
Independent, 36, in prison in ArkansasBetter job market for convicts. No one wants to hire us which will just mean most of us will end up here again.
Democrat, 28, in prison in ArkansasA job and an affordable place to live, because most people have to work two jobs just to barely keep an apartment.
Democrat, 41, in jail in WashingtonIt really would've helped me to have had some type of male role model. Someone I could count on for support and help and not just judgement.
Republican, 40, in prison in ArkansasAccess to affordable mental healthcare. Healthcare coverage to pay for therapy/counseling. Affordable health insurance.
Unaffiliated, 30, in jail in CaliforniaAn interest awareness program to find out what makes me happy at an early age.
Unaffiliated, 30, in jail in MassachusettsAny support on trying to start my own business and for women that get abused and end up homeless trying to get on their feet when it’s hard finding support.
Democrat, 28, in prison in ArkansasA program that teaches a trade and then allows me to use it to make some sort of income then into work release
Republican, 31, in jail in IllinoisPsychiatric counseling and less antidepressants, also being able to get the medication that I really needed and not just what the insurance would cover.
Unaffiliated, 41, in prison in ArkansasMental health. It was hard for me to transition from prison to the streets. I wanted help so bad. I felt as if the world was moving way too fast.
Democrat, 40, in jail in WashingtonAfter my daughter was killed by a drunk driver back in 1996, I believe grief/loss counseling would have definitely assisted me.
Democrat, 44, in prison in MaineDomestic violence classes and finishing school
Independent, 23, in prison in MaineI think more services for inmates for rehab when they get out of prison
Republican, 53, in prison in MaineBuses in the Waterville area so I would not have to drive with no licence.
Democrat, 39, in prison in MaineEnding this "war on drugs" and Indiana, stepping out of the 50s, and legalizing weed for recreational use
Unaffiliated, 41, in prison IndianaFamily therapy and more of a family life that wasn’t supportive of crime and drug use.
Republican, 32, in prison in MontanaSome kind of program to help get reestablished in housing and assistance with childcare and transportation. Continued therapy. Emergency services for single mothers on parole.
Unaffiliated, 27, in prison in ArkansasSchools being more hands on in the process of making decisions for after high school.
Republican, 34, in prison in Maine