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Life Inside ·

Life Inside, Animated

An animated series featuring the stories of those whose lives have intersected with the criminal justice system.

The animated series — part of The Marshall Project/VICE News’ show, "Inside Story" — examines the criminal justice system through first-person essays from those whose lives have intersected with it.

I Wonder if They Know My Son Is Loved

Animation: Paige Money
Published: Feb, 3, 2023

Visiting her son in jail for the first time, Ymilul Bates knew that she couldn’t protect him. Although he is too young to drink, the criminal justice system regards him as an adult.

Finding Peace in the Prison Garden

Animation: Lily Padula
Sound Design: Brian Ratigan
Narration: Sean Kyler
Published: March 23, 2023

Bobby Bostic was sentenced to 241 years at age 18. In prison, he found his way to gardening. He says gardening kept him growing.

Inside the Underground Economy of Solitary Confinement

Animation: Xaver Böhm
Sound Design: Brian Ratigan
Published: March 9, 2023

Matthew Azzano, who served two years in New York prisons, reported for this essay through a grant from the Solitary Confinement Reporting Project.

Nothing Has Made Me Feel More American Than Going to Jail

Animation: Grace Shin
Published: May 25, 2023

Ravi Shankar was born in D.C. to South Indian parents. But it wasn’t until he had to navigate the criminal justice system that he realized what many Americans of color deal with.


Contributors from The Marshall Project:

Lawrence Bartley, Celina Fang, Akiba Solomon, Raghuram Vadarevu, Donald Washington, Jr.