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An illustration featuring a series of prisoners, dressed in orange uniforms, in varying poses of illness, such as hands cupping a face, coughing into a closed fist, bending over with hands on their knees for support.
Investigate This!

How to Investigate COVID’s Deadly Toll in Your State Prisons

Our toolkit helps you report on deadly systemic failures and analyze the pandemic as a case study of how facilities can prepare for the next crisis.

Start Here: What is this Toolkit?

Deaths of incarcerated people spiked in almost every state during the COVID pandemic, hitting people aged 50 or older especially hard. This reporting toolkit contains data and resources about prison mortality at the height of the COVID pandemic, based on this Marshall Project story. The story offers lessons for future pandemics and prison systems that remain in crisis, with strained health care systems along with aging and ailing prison populations.

Every state and facility has its own unique story to uncover regarding how COVID affected incarcerated people and prison staff. The stories offer a window into critical issues like prison staffing, health care, and release policies.

This is where you come in: The Marshall Project analyzed a national dataset compiled by university researchers, and we need your help localizing the data and telling stories for your audience. Because the federal government has not published national data on prison deaths since 2019, the topic needs reporters to uncover what’s happening in your state and local prisons. Whenever a person dies in custody, journalists have an opportunity to ask pointed questions of the criminal justice system and uncover meaningful accountability angles.

Our goal is to jumpstart local criminal justice reporting by saving your newsroom some time and resources on data analysis and story ideation. If you have any questions along the way or would like to brainstorm how to scale this reporting, email Michelle Billman at or grab 30 minutes on her calendar. And if you do write a story, please review our Terms of Use, cite The Marshall Project, and link back to us in your reporting.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Investigate This! occasional newsletter to be alerted when new toolkits drop.

Help! I want to do more but have limited resources

This toolkit is meant to be flexible so your newsroom can scale its approach to this story depending on resources and audience needs. You can produce many formats on this topic, from a lengthy local investigation into your state’s prison health care system to a 1-minute newscast story breaking down the COVID death toll in your state.

Another option is republishing the original story as a way to start offering this coverage, and then producing additional localized stories if and when resources allow. If you publish our story, you can add a callout for local sources to see who in your community has been impacted by this issue.

Email Michelle Billman at if you would like to:

If you produce a local story inspired by this toolkit, please let us know.

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Reporting Resources: Context, Angles, Audience, Impact

I want to pitch this story to my editor

Reporting on this topic requires some time and editorial approval. Here is a pitch form you can adapt for your newsroom. We know the pitch process varies widely from newsroom to newsroom and that, oftentimes, a pitch starts with a conversation. Below, we’re providing context, talking points, potential story angles, and important questions to help you prepare for those conversations.

I want to learn why this story matters

As the country continues to recover and learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, examining its public health effects on incarcerated people is essential. People in prison died at more than three times the rate of those on the outside. This was not the first time, and will not be the last, that we see an outbreak of a contagious disease in prisons, so it’s critical to report on which states, and which individual facilities within those states, saw the deadliest outcomes.

For example, during a tuberculosis outbreak in 2021-2022, two Washington state prisons reported 25 cases among incarcerated people. Another roughly 250 incarcerated people in five facilities were diagnosed with latent TB infection without a known history of the disease. Along with infectious diseases, people behind bars are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, an issue that also requires local journalists to compile and parse mortality data and reports.

Because the federal government has not yet provided an official count of how many incarcerated people died during the COVID outbreak, a patchwork of research groups, including the University of California, Irvine and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have been documenting the deaths. Their data, and The Marshall Project’s analysis, will help journalists determine what measures led to unnecessary deaths or helped prevent them.

Investigating deaths in prison is a rich and important topic as the prison population ages and the health system is more strained. The longstanding drug war that started in the 1970s led to a generation of incarcerated people who are still locked up. In 2022, state and federal prisons housed 186,000 people aged 55 and older, and in 2021, people in this age bracket made up 15% of the national prison population. Incarcerating the elderly and sick drains prison resources nationwide. Thanks to tough-on-crime sentencing laws, some people are serving lifetime sentences for crimes they committed in their late teens and early twenties. They remain behind bars at significant cost, even though research shows that people age out of crime and “compassionate release” is an underutilized option.

I want an elevator pitch + potential story angles

Here is an elevator pitch for discussing with your editor:

During the height of the COVID pandemic, people in prison died at 3.4 times the rate of the free population, with the oldest hit hardest. Despite the significant loss of life in 2020, prisons remain high-risk settings for the spread of any communicable disease, while their aging populations are becoming more vulnerable to infection.

Here are some potential angles:

I want questions to jumpstart my reporting

Most of these reporting questions should be directed at your state agency in charge of administering prisons, the facilities themselves, lawmakers, and people affected by the system. You may need to do further research, interviews, or records requests to answer them.

I want state-specific story ideas to explore

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Work with the Data: Methodology + Downloads

The job of documenting deaths in custody has fallen to a patchwork of research groups and reporters because the federal government stopped publishing data on deaths behind bars. In one of these studies, a years-long collaboration between the University of California, Irvine and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, researchers requested annual counts of deaths in state prisons, overall and by age of decedent, from departments of correction in every state.

They posted the data for public use, and The Marshall Project collaborated with them to analyze this data and share the results for download.

Download the data here, along with data documentation and caveats we discovered while reporting.

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Embed Our Graphics: Charts by State

Here is code that can be copied and pasted in most web content management systems to display the trend in deaths in each state’s prisons and how it compares to the national average from 2014 to 2020.

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Plug + Play Assets: Illustration + Reporter Interviews

Use this original illustration

You are welcome to republish the provided illustration within any stories derived from the materials in this toolkit, along with any related social media and newsletter promotion of those stories. Dion MBD must be credited in all uses. The illustration should not be published in unrelated stories. The illustrations should not be cropped or altered in any way. Please reach out with any questions.

An illustration featuring a series of prisoners, dressed in orange uniforms, in varying poses of illness, such as hands cupping a face, coughing into a closed fist, bending over with hands on their knees for support.

Interview a Marshall Project reporter for a story

Please email us at if you would like to schedule an interview with a Marshall Project reporter who can break down the data for your state compared with the national landscape.

Contact us about radio spots

We’re creating voiced newscast spots with sound bites that radio stations can adapt with data relevant to your audience! If you want to explore this option, email us at

Republish The Marshall Project's original story

You are welcome to republish our original story on COVID prison mortality as a way to start offering this coverage, and then produce additional localized stories if and when resources allow. If you publish our story, you can add a callout for local sources to see who in your community has been impacted by this issue.

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Sourcing Considerations

These stories are primarily built around state-level death data and information obtained through records requests. But to connect the dots between what the records show and what happened, you’ll want to consult a wide range of sources. Incarcerated people who survived the pandemic in prison can help tell the story of sickness and death. Prison health care workers can help make sense of the facility's response to the pandemic. Institutional sources such as prison guards, union members, and prison officials can help explain the policy choices that contributed to your state’s death rate. Public reports can offer a window into the official narratives around how many people died and why.

Learn about records requests

How to reach institutional sources

How to reach incarcerated people

There are some important things to consider when interviewing incarcerated people. For starters, people in prison can sometimes face consequences for speaking to the press. Before you reach out to incarcerated sources, read the entries on informed consent, people-first language, and building trust on our resources page.

Connect with relevant organizations

Below is a list of national organizations to aid sourcing your stories on excess prison deaths during COVID or otherwise. We’ve included legal and advocacy organizations working to improve health care conditions behind bars, as well as several professional organizations for health care workers in prisons and jails. These organizations can be a great place to start to connect to providers in your state or to get a general sense of some of the issues with health care behind bars.

To find prison health care workers in your state, consider reaching out to the American College of Correctional Physicians or the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals.

If you want to connect with lawyers working on improving prison conditions and access to health care, or learn more about ongoing human rights lawsuits behind bars, contact the ACLU National Prison Project or the Medical Justice Alliance.

Consider reaching out to the National Institute of Corrections to speak with prison staff and administrative officials to learn more about prison policy and training.

For data and research on prisons in your state, you may want to contact the Vera Institute of Justice, or browse the datasets available at the University of Michigan’s National Archive of Criminal Justice Data.

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Style and Standards Notes

Here are a few of the thorny issues that could come up during the reporting process, and guidance on how to resolve them. For a more general overview of our styles and standards, please review our resources page.

Are there styles and standards issues or questions that you don’t see here? Let us know. You can write to us at

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Audience + Impact

Who is my potential audience?

When thinking about the potential audience you want to reach, it’s helpful to consider who can actually fix the problems identified in your reporting, such as prosecutors and legislators.

Here’s a list of some targeted groups and why they might be interested in this topic:

I want to learn about potential impact

Tailoring this coverage for your local community will allow your newsroom to play an important civic role with the potential for concrete impact. The death of a person in custody gives journalists the opportunity to probe the criminal justice system with accountability questions that touch many aspects of incarceration, like health care and the aging prison population.

Specifically, state and federal lawmakers may choose to cite your reporting to inform new policies and policy changes. For example, during the height of the pandemic, The Marshall Project and the Associated Press teamed up to offer weekly updates on the number of people in prison who tested positive for COVID. Several lawmakers cited the coverage in letters advocating for the release of people in prison over age 50 or with pre-existing health conditions.

By producing stories about prison mortality, you can speak to a large, bipartisan audience and gauge regional interest in criminal justice reporting more broadly. At the local level, your investigations can also help hold agencies accountable for reporting deaths in state prisons under the Death in Custody Reporting Act.

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Share Your Work

Please (please!) share your localized reporting with The Marshall Project

Thank you for using this toolkit to create your own local criminal justice reporting! Please help us track your work and potentially share it in our newsletter by emailing us a link to your reporting.


REPORTING Anna Flagg, Jamiles Lartey, Shannon Heffernan






ART DIRECTION Raghuram Vadarevu

STYLE & STANDARDS Ghazala Irshad


AUDIO PRODUCTION Shannon Heffernan


AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT Ashley Dye, Rachel Kincaid

EDITING Tom Meagher, Susan Chira

COPY EDITING Ghazala Irshad, Kelsey Adams