As a current 51 year old woman on parole, I have spent, 26 years in and out the system. Nothing I am proud of, and nothing I am ashamed of either. I am currently on parole as I write this, I have had POs that don't give a rats ass what takes place in my day to day life, and I have had some that care but can't due to the regulations, of the legislation mess and the higher administration.
The one thing I do know that there should be more people who care about us as people and not just a parolee. I am scared 95% of the time of my own self failure, and being judged because I have a D.O.C number make it more frightening.
I am not a bad person, just haven’t quite figured out how to take care of myself the normal way. I just wish that there was just a tad bit more compassion in really helping us as humans and not a statistic.